
Thanks for joining on this blog. I hope to take you a few emotions, a few thought-proving conversations, a few challenges and so much more. Feel free to comment, email and contact me.
I'm always open to chatting, talking and communicating with you on any and all levels.
God Bless

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Siji at Jazzhole, Friday 5th Feb.

Siji at Jazzhole, Friday 5th Feb.: "

More info here.

**I do like this guy's music. I even bought his album off e-music...Siji, go on and make it happen. I would love to see him live too **

Sunday, January 24, 2010

Robertsport Liberia: where the surf's at

Robertsport Liberia: where the surf's at: "Here. Thanks Al.

***Allow me to share on my blog some of the blogs of another blogger...lol***