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God Bless

Tuesday, August 3, 2010

A Great Way To Commemorate An Old Friend [DIY]

A Great Way To Commemorate An Old Friend [DIY]: "

**This is kinda pretty neat and awesome***

A Great Way To Commemorate An Old Friend [DIY]: '
When you can't keep your computer functioning anymore, this is one way to deal with it: taking it apart and turning it into a piece of furniture. Much more sentimental (and creative) than tossing it in a landfill. More »


These Hidden Animations Only Appear Through a Video Camera [Illusions]

These Hidden Animations Only Appear Through a Video Camera [Illusions]: "
BrussPup, YouTube illusion sensation, has returned with his latest wizardry: a series of zoetrope panoramas that are only visible when viewed both at a certain RPM (thanks, turntable) and at a certain shutter speed (thanks, video camera). Obviously! [YouTube] More »


Gbenga Sessan at TED Nigeria

Gbenga Sessan at TED Nigeria: "

Youth IT guru Gbenga Sessan talking about 419 in the 15 minute talk of his life.

Its a shame the recent Ted Nigeria in Abuja wasn't better publicised. How many people knew in comparison to the Ted Euston last year which made such a stir? Also a pity that the quality of the capture is so low. Its a start I guess.